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10 Practical Habits Digital Nomads Should Adopt to Maximize Productivity

digital nomad

Digital nomads are often glamorized as if they are living the lifestyle of the rich and the famous.

Sure, being able to work whenever and wherever you can is a perk. However, that is only the easy part.

You need to have sufficient travel funds and have a stable internet to keep on working. Otherwise, you will be unable to replenish your travel fund and pay for your food and accommodation.

That said, you must keep yourself productive, regardless of where you are settling. And here are ten ways on how digital nomads can maximize their productivity:

digital nomad lifestyle

Stick to a schedule

When you’re first starting as a digital nomad, it feels like you can conquer the world. However, even as a digital nomad that’s free as can be, you still need to work.

It would help if you also had some semblance of a structure in how you work to hit your deadlines without stressing out about them. That’s why it’s vital that you create a schedule for yourself and that you stick to it.

Another benefit to creating and sticking to a schedule is that it will create order and stability when you’re on the move. Your schedule will help dictate what you’re supposed to be doing in a specific period. Thus, even when you’re on the go, you aren’t missing any work that you’re supposed to do.

digital nomad schedule

Switch up your workspace

What’s cool about being a digital nomad is that you can work anywhere and anytime you want. So, if you feel like you are out of mojo, consider switching your workspace.

It can be as simple as working in a different area of your house or renting a co-working space. But if you have a limited budget and space, decluttering your workspace can do wonders.

At Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services NYC, they believe that a clean workspace reduces stress and enhances your concentration. Thus, you are extra productive. There is no need to travel to and work on the beach just to show that you are a digital nomad.

digital nomad work

Know when you are most productive

Not everybody can do the nine-to-five grind, and you’re probably that type of person, too, which is why you decided to become a digital nomad.

We’ve recommended before that you try and create a schedule, but it doesn’t mean that you need to have conventional working hours. The best way to create a schedule that works the best for you is to figure out during what hours you are most productive.

When you have an idea of your productivity pattern, you can create situations and the right setting to manage your energy. If you’re most productive a little later in the day, like after lunch, then you can shape your schedule and work style around that. You want to make productivity as comfortable and easy for you as possible.

digital nomad laptop

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity technique wherein you set a 25-minute timer of working spurts before taking short five-minute breaks. You repeat this combo four times, and you will then take about a half-hour long break.

You’ll be surprised how much this work style might be effective for you.

Not everyone can have a sustained focus for several hours at a time, and even in the nine-to-five work life, everyone doesn’t work for eight hours straight. They still take these short breaks in between, but they’re just not regulated.

Try this out for yourself if you’re the type who can’t focus for more than an hour of straight work, and you might find that you get more done this way.

pomodoro technique

Use project management apps

Technology and tools are some of the best ways you can optimize how you work. If you haven’t yet, why not try using project management apps to help with your productivity.

Project management apps make it a lot easier to work with other people no matter where they are. It keeps things organized and gives you different perspectives on the progress of projects.

Whether you’re managing a team of remote employees or you need it for yourself, project management apps can come in handy.

project management

Take proper breaks

Even as a digital nomad, you don’t need to be “hustling 24/7,” which many social media posts tell you to do. If you’re working all day, every day, when do you get to reap the benefits of you being a digital nomad?

That’s why you must take proper breaks. Stand up and step away from your chair and get your body moving during lunchtime. Also, take small breaks in between finishing each task. You’d be surprised at the world of difference it can make.

digital nomad coffee break

Say “no” to multitasking

If you want to be busy, multitask, but if you’re going to be productive, say no to multitasking.

You can get more done in a specific period if you focus on doing the best work for one task at a time than dividing up your attention between multiple tasks.

Aside from that, the quality of work you produce will be better because you aren’t spreading yourself too thin.

digital nomad multitasking

Socialize with others

If you’re traveling by yourself or even when you’re with a partner, you’re not going to have a consistent social circle with you. Although you might not feel it at first, later on, you might want to socialize more.

Socializing can help you feel less lonely, and it can keep your foot on the ground and remind you that you’re on the right track. With the right social circle, they can even motivate you to do well at work.

digital nomad friends

Create tomorrow’s to-do list

Instead of planning what you need to do tomorrow on the day of, it’s better to plan your to-do list for tomorrow the day before.

Since you have a better idea of what needs doing, you can hit the ground running and get more done faster and more efficiently.

to do list

Get enough sleep

Sleep is a very vital part of keeping yourself a healthy person, but it can also affect your mental state when working.

With a sufficient amount of sleep consistently, you’ll be more alert and awake, and your mind won’t wander as much, so you can focus on your work more.

That’s why as much as possible, try and get a sufficient amount of sleep every night.

digital nomad sleep

Over to You

Being a digital nomad is fun. But living it to the fullest requires planning, preparation, and dedication.

By building the habits listed above, you can plan and prepare for embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle. Good luck!

digital nomad swimming pool

Search Remotely is pushing the digital nomad movement forward. We enable digital nomads to upskill and find remote jobs. In addition to this, employers can hire internationally through our team of recruiters.

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