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2024 US Election Assistance Commission FOIA Response Telework Policy and Data

2024 US Election Assistance Commission Foia Response Search Remotely
We have been requesting FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) from federal agencies pursuant to the OPM (U.S. Office of Personnel Management) directive for agencies to develop a teleworking policy.  Our specific requests were related to data collection on the management, supervision and monitoring of personnel related to the Telework policies adopted.

FOIA Requests for Data Related to Federal Agency Telework Policies

So far, we have received responses that have been useful for informing the general public  (taxpayers) and remote work employers on best practices. We will be posting the data shortly.

In the interim, here is the first FOIA denial and actual response by a federal agency who has determined that either:

(a) they don’t collect the data requested,

(b) if data is collected, it isn’t in the best interest of the public to share, and/or

(c) requested  fee waiver was not granted.

Please be mindful that we don’t intentionally step into political weeds. But we will not avoid the quagmire when doing so can negatively impact our readers. Our only aim is to present to our audience of business leaders, executives, human resource professionals best practices that can be useful. So that you don’t have to!

Rather than spend money unnecessarily and waste valuable time (entrepreneurial remote first employers don’t have) effective business models can be a ‘plug and play’ rather than reinvention of the wheel.

US Election Assistance Commission

2024 US Election Assistance Commission 24-0093 FOIA Response-Redacted-Search Remotely

The US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has a budget of $28 million and employs 55 federal workers. It “is an independent, bipartisan commission whose mission is to help election officials improve the administration of elections and help Americans participate in the voting process.”

Approximately 17 to 22% of US workers work from anywhere. This remote working population is far greater than the number of Service and Military personnel deployed overseas. And far more expansive that the number of Military soldiers assigned to US bases stateside.

Remote work migration and Voting in Elections

For these reasons, we published a comprehensive article titled “Remote work migration and voting in elections,” here.

Ensuring that the provision of nonpartisan support to help remote working Americans fulfill their constitutional and civic duty to vote at the correct location is important for our reading audience. Hence, the FOIA request.

US Federal Government Agency Telework and Remote work Data FOIA Responses and Data Tables

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