Search Remotely has searched the net and curated the latest research from academia, think tanks, governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies (NGO) and policy wonks.
We post our latest findings here for your knowledge, engagement and better understanding of the world of remote work.
Based upon peer reviewed, valid, and generalizable data and statistics; you may use this information to further your own professional and private goals related to remote entrepreneurs, remote work team management, remote worker, remotely working employees, freelancers, gig workers working from home, and working from anywhere.
- Migration Policy Institute on Remote Work 2022
- Remote Work and Digitial Transformation Report
- Transitioning to Remote work in times of crisis report
- Work from Home ( WFH ) Implications for Commercial Real Estate
- Work from Home ( WFH ) and Employment Law
- Telework and Lifelong Learning
- The effects of remote work on collaboration among information technology workers