In our 9th edition of a day in the life of a remote worker, joining us this time around is Gisella Casolaro, who is in her own right an entrepreneur, Marketing Communications Expert who has now become a Career and Business Coach.
At heart she is a true digital nomad and has travelled throughout Europe and South America whilst kicking goals. Thank you for joining us.
Tell me about yourself and what it is that you do?
I am a Marketing Communications expert turned Career & Business Coach.
I guide people to achieve their own version of professional success, whatever that means for them. I utilise my two biggest sets of skills to deliver personalised Coaching or Mentoring plans that shift them from where they are now to where they want to be in their career.
When did you start working remotely as a digital nomad and how did that come about?
After 15 years living as an expat career-driven marketer in London, I reached a crisis stage in 2018… eventually I went through a long burnout and started a self-healing journey travelling abroad and trying out life in other cities in Europe and South America.
I decided that I had to change life entirely and I discovered coaching this way. I went back to studying, got my Performance Coaching diploma while being nomadic and ended up setting up my online Coaching practice in April 2020 at the same time as the pandemic spreading in my countries.
What would go down as the biggest achievement so far and what makes you so proud of this?
Setting up a business all by myself while stuck at home alone during social distancing days in London.
I am proud because while I was always using my marketing knowledge for other clients, for the first time I did that for my own business. And my own business involves me guiding people to do the same type of changes I made!
Do you have any favourite cafes, places or coworking spaces that you like to work remotely from when not at home and why are these your favourite?
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria > The Couple cafe’ and Soppa de azul coworking space
Valencia > Flying bean cafe’ and coworking
Barcelona > Jungle coworking
How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
Grow my reach as a Career and Business Coach so I can help as many people as I can fit in my agenda, to achieve the same freedom and work/life balance that I have achieved, if that’s what they want.
What does a typical workday look like for you and how do you manage your time and schedule effectively?
I work 4 or 5 hours seven days every week: it makes me feel balanced to start the day late morning around 11am, go for the best coffee in town, go to my coworking to work, then go to do my sport and passion (beach volley) then socialise in the evening/night as much as possible.
This is my schedule.
Do you have any recommendations for software or tools which are invaluable to you as a digital nomad and how do they help you to stay productive?
The ones I used are really useful for consultant or service-based freelancers who need to be booked: “Book like a boss”.
Other than that, I recommend TransferWise for online payments in multi-currency markets.
If you could give one bit of advice to anybody out there that is dreaming about working remotely what would that be?
Working remotely is not a dream! It’s an achievable choice you can make, IF: 1) you set your mind to it 2) you make a sound plan for how you are going to have multiple streams of income, as needed for your finances 3) maintain the right level or perseverance and motivation at all times. And if you cannot do this all alone, you don’t have to: this is what a personal qualified and specialist Coach could help you on. So there we have it, that concludes our interview! Thanks a lot for your time Gisella and we wish you the very best in future! For anyone that would like to learn more about Gisella Casolaro and her business, head on over to MePowered Pro or her Facebook Profile.
If you found encouragement and the remote work experience of Gizella Casolaro inspirational as you pursue remote work or a business idea, take a look at some of the articles in the Search Remotely Series: A Day in the Life of a Remote Worker. See below.
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