Becoming Parents is life changing to say the least; however, the degree of change is felt more by the mother. They carry the child for …
How to Get a Promotion
Are you looking to step up and get promoted? Is it the pay that is appealing, a change in responsibilities, or career advancement that drives …
How to Get a Raise
We all put the hours in at work and the more time you’re there the more opportunity there is to contemplate things. Maybe it’s time …
How to Get a Better Job
This is a comprehensive guide on how to get a $15+ per hour job. I’m going to outline all the tools you need to do …
How to Choose a Career
Choosing a job that fulfills you can seem like an overwhelming task. Often, people will choose the first job that hires them because they don’t …
How to Negotiate a Job Offer
You’ve done it! You’ve followed all the steps to be the perfect job candidate and now you are getting job offers. It’s exciting and you …
How to Prepare for an Interview
As your job search progresses, you’ll eventually enter the interview stage, and hopefully with multiple employers. An interview is the beginning of a new relationship …
How to Write a Cover Letter
So, you’re trying to find a job. You’ve searched the internet high and low for listings, built a great LinkedIn profile, professionally designed and organized …
How to Write a Resume
Job hunting is stressful – we won’t deny that – but creating a resume that will work for your job hunting needs doesn’t have to …
How to Create a LinkedIn Profile
Job searching is a tedious and often disappointing task. The most important part of applying for a job is getting an interview where you can …
How to Find a Job
There are a lot of starting points when searching for a job. Maybe you’ve already decided which job you like to have but don’t know …