Gosh. Have you stopped to think just how important still and motion cameras (selfies, video conferencing and recorded screen shots) are to our daily lives? Particularly if you work from home or work from anywhere? We’re writing this article you help you learn why and how to use videos effectively when working from home.
Science-backed research on video communication
They help us stay connected, distill the complexities of our message in easy to digest and highly visual forms. More importantly, they help us to better communicate to people who rely upon their visual spatial abilities to understand their world. So there are four points we will convey in this article.
Underutilization of multi-sensory modes
First, there’s research from the National Center of Biotechnology on how we are under-utilizing the multisensory modes of communication (auditory, visual, tactile, and olfactory) if we only rely upon the written word to get our message across.
VARK System
Second, when recalling several ways to understand how we comprehend information, neuropsychologists utilize the VARK system. VARK is an acronym for visual, auditory, verbal (reading and writing text) and kinesthetic. When individuals are assessed utilizing VARK, the result informs corporate trainers, educators, business leaders, and human resources professionals, the preferred learning style of each member of their audience (employee, student, young leader). In this manner, they can better construct messages in formats and modalities most effective for each individual and or groups of people within their audience.
A blog such as this for instance, visitors with a preference for comprehending and understanding information based upon reading and writing will find this remote job search blog most helpful and informative. But what about people who need to know about remote jobs, but do not have a preference for learning through reading written text only? Maybe we’ve missed huge chunks of our potential market because of overreliance upon written messages?
Charisma helpful for success
Third, we’ve got a dilemma we need to solve that probably impacts remote workers working from home more so than those returning to an in office workspace. How do we reveal our charisma in a virtual, online setting? And, is personal magnetism important for professional success?
In the Frontiers in Psychology research article, “Charismatic Nonverbal Displays by Leaders Signal Receptivity and Formidability, and Tap Approach and Avoidance Motivational Systems,” the study found that our perceptions of a person’s charisma can impact our decisions. Charisma was closely associated with “receptivity (warmth and attractiveness) and formidability (competence and power).”
When we fail to use other modes of communication, as owners of remote businesses, remote workers and remote managers of remote teams, we may risk becoming less effective communicators, and hence, less impactful leaders.
Elevation from information overload
Fourth, there are behavior scientists employed in marketing to help business owners elevate their messages. In modern society, this ploy leads to average humans being bombarded with so much clutter it takes tactics bordering on sensationalism to get your message heard, understood and acted upon to stand out from all of the white noise.
About 15 years ago, Harvard Business Review, (HBR) published an article titled, “Death by Information Overload.” At the time, studies uncovered data to warn us that the dense volume of information intruding upon our lives, interrupting our work “can adversely affect not only personal well-being but also decision making, innovation, and productivity.”
One study cited by researchers revealed that, “people took an average of nearly 25 minutes to return to a work task after an e-mail interruption.” Back then, old timers can recall when Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube were mere novelties.
Hopefully, we’ve done our job to present to you four solidly, research-backed reasons for stealthily employing videos in your messaging. While one would like to rebel against the tide of change, stick our heads in the sand; we’ve got to find intelligent ways to participate in the fray and not merely observe from the sidelines.
Video Tips
So, we’ve started to create videos to improve the accessibility and comprehension of our research-based, comprehensive and very informative 1,000 word articles with readability scores averaging in the 70s (highly educated, native English speakers).
If your business isn’t utilizing the advantage of effective video communication and marketing, then you’re missing out on an essential tool that’s a prime way to promote your business and grow your personal brand as a remote freelancer or remote gig worker. In an increasingly digital world, visitors want content they can digest in more ways than text – and they want it delivered faster and easier than ever before.
Videos are also beginning to rank higher in search engines, and video content goes viral just as well as a lengthy blog post. There are several important tips to follow if you want to increase the chances that your video will go viral.
Set a goal
Before you do anything, take a few minutes and consider what you want the video to accomplish and how you want to get it done. Choose the tone of the video, too. Will it be an amusing video promoting the use of your newest product, freelancer service or online course? Will it be a serious informational video to impart knowledge? Or to provide an update, synopsis of the latest research, or summaries of your latest blog posts that are important report for customers and prospects? Or will it be a combination of sensationalism, humor and learning?
Create a story board
Create a story board by spending a few minutes brainstorming will allow you to come up with a vision for your video so that you know what you’re aiming for. Those who don’t plan their videos, record aimlessly – and it’s easy to tell in the final product that no real planning was put into it.
Write a script
Yes, you’ll need to write a script. Even for a 1-2 minute recording. Not to the likes of Steven Spielberg or Michael Bay, but in the absence of a well-written script, things can go array. Even accomplished vloggers (video bloggers) will tell you that they carefully plan out their videos so they don’t run into the dreaded ‘dead zone’ where nothing is being said and nothing is happening on the video. Also, you don’t want to fill empty space with subconscious words, of “er, um, ah, well,” because simple utterances of these nonsensical fillers make you seem less knowledgeable.
Determine the estimated length
During this planning stage, it’s also important to think about the length of your video. While YouTube now allows video uploads of different lengths, depending on what your account has been granted, long videos rarely ever go viral. Your video should be three to six minutes in length at the very longest. An ideal time for a video is two to three minutes.
Select your equipment
Now that you know what your video is going to be about, it’s important to get a quality recording device. You may want to use your high quality cell phone. Avoid using webcams, which are often grainy and hard for viewers to watch.
Instead, invest in a high-quality camcorder like Flip Video. Once you have your camcorder, it’s time to choose the location where you’ll record. If you’re using a public location, it’s not a good idea to record on any premises without permission from the owner first.
Location, Location
Yes, location is important even when you’re not aiming for the cinematographic excellence found in the Sylvester Stallone classic, “Cliffhanger.” You’ll also want a spot that’s well-lit and has minimal noise. Some professional podcasters and vloggers film from their car on a clear day to take advantage of the strength and clarity of natural sunlight.
If you can’t find an area that fits the bill, try your home office. Take a warm-up recording of thirty seconds or so. Replay this recording and look at it carefully. Is there anything visible in the background that shouldn’t be? Do you have food on your shirt? This warm-up recording will prevent you from having to perform lengthy edits later.
Let your personality shine
Don’t be afraid to let your inner warmth, extroverted charisma and personal magnetism shine. Dare to be controversial. Be funny. Be inspiring. All of those qualities combined or tackled individually can help you achieve viral status for your video if done correctly.
Use titles, headlines and subscripts
Even though you are making ample use of visuals to get your message heard, use titles, headlines and subscripts to accompany them. Use everything in your content to your advantage – the headline, the content wording, and the imaging. Spread the word about the video on all of your social media sites. Talk about it to your list, on any of the business forums that you’re on, etc. A video promotion that goes viral is proof that people are talking and taking notice of your business.