Here is the remote job seeker remote work answer box. This remote work answer box provides everything you want to know about working remotely, work from home or work from anywhere. Search Remotely has curated some of our best and informative articles to answer your most basic and intriguing questions. So lets dive in!
What is remote online work ?
What is remote online work? Working remotely, tele-commuting, working from home, or working from anywhere is a work feature that some employers offer employees to work in a remote setting that is not in a traditional in-person office. Remote workers use online tools to communicate with colleagues, supervisors, and customers. These tools allow employees working remotely to replicate the in-person office environment in the comfort of their home.
What does it mean if a job is remote ?
What does it mean if a job is remote? It means that the remote employee works remotely, tele-commutes, works from home, or works from a remote satellite office instead of the traditional in person office.
Is it hard to find remote work ?
Is it hard to find remote work? Yes, just sixteen percent of the jobs in the US are remote according to an Owl Labs study. In 2019, job listings for remote work represented about 1/20th of one percent of all of the job vacancies advertised. By February 2022, the percentage of remote job vacancies were less than three percent of the total job listings. So, yes, it is hard to find remote work in comparison to traditional in-office work.
How do I find remote work ?
How do you find remote work? The best way to find remote work is to search job boards that cater to the remote employee/ remote worker audience. In this way, the job seeker can avoid remote job scams. At the same time, job boards like offers an online learning academy, helpful information, advice, and job listings specifically for remote workers and aspirants. Remote employers use job boards for reaching employees experienced in remote work and job seekers who have taken the time to up skill and convert their traditional skills into those that are demanded by remote employers.
How to avoid remote job scams ?
How to avoid remote job scams? The best way to avoid remote job scams is to use a reputable job board designed to meet the specific needs of the remote worker and remote employer. Even though remote work is widely accepted and becoming commonplace, it doesn’t mean that all the remote job ads you can find online are actually legitimate. Job scams area thriving, particularly in an inflationary economy. So it’s important to learn how to avoid remote job scams and only apply to legit remote jobs. Reputable job boards establish relationships with top Fortune 1000 companies and curates its job listings before posting. At Search Remotely, we only post jobs that are 100% legitimate and make it our top priority for you to avoid these types of scams?
Read more here: How to avoid remote job scams
How to tell it a remote job is legitimate ?
How can you tell if a remote job is legitimate? In the same manner that you identify any fraud or scam. If you are conducting a job search and you come across a job that sounds too good to be true, it is probably a scam. If there is an imbalance in the time required to earn an awful lot of money, then it is fishy. When the advertiser asks for a lot of personal private confidential information (credit card number and social security number, for instance beware and walk away. Finally if you have to buy something just to be placed in the applicant pool or if there are promises of entering into a sweepstake, it is possibly a scam.
What to expect when landing your first remote job ?
What to expect when landing your first remote job? As with a traditional job reporting to work in an in-person office, once you get settled in the luster may begin to dull. Whether you are a seasoned professional, newly minted graduate, or career changer, you’re probably already looking to make a name for yourself and/or want to keep that hard earned reputation intact. Therefore, you have strong expectations not just for your job, but for yourself. A few observations we’ve noticed for remote workers are: promotions aren’t guaranteed and not everyone will like you.
If you ‘d like to read about others to consider, continue reading here. What to expect when landing your first remote job
Do I need to write a cover letter to get an interview for a remote job ?
Do you write a cover letter to get an interview for a remote job? Yes, but you’ve got to keep it short and to the point. In the past, cover letters have been considered stuffy and passe. However, a strong cover letter can mean the difference between landing an interview for the perfect job and failing consideration. Which group would you rather belong? I’d like to increase my chances of getting an interview, even if it takes extra time.
During low unemployment and high GDP periods, job seekers often forego writing a cover letter. Many applicants believe that it’s not really necessary to write a cover letter because employers have all the information they need in the resume. But the truth is, writing an impressive cover letter is an excellent opportunity to tell your prospective employer that you are the best candidate for the job.
Think about your cover letter as a 30 to 60 second elevator speech or sales pitch where you advertise your skills and how the company benefit with your hire. You have got to be concise and get to the point quickly.
Continue reading to learn more about How to write a cover letter that will land you an interview as a remote worker
How to prepare yourself for a remote job interview ?
Read more here How to prepare yourself for a remote job interview
How to prepare for a remote job interview? Unlike a typical interview, the very first tasks are for you is to ensure that your computer works and that your communication tools (video, audio) are fully functional. Showing that you are proficient with online tools indicate a level of competency demanded by remote employers. Next, you’ll need to prepare your physical space and visuals. preparing for a remote job interview is similar to the preparation required for an in-person or interview by telephone. The primary purpose of an interview is still the same. The company wants to figure out if you are the right fit, so this is still something that you expected to prove on a remote job interview. But the underlying theme is, “Can this applicant communicate effectively in a remote environment?” “Can this candidate overcome the challenges presented by remote work?” But unlike a telephone interview, with video conferencing, the remote recruiter can actually see you. So it is really important to prepare your physical space and visuals. Take just as much time to fix your physical space as the time you take to style your hair, groom, and find just the right attire.
As you know, remote interviews are not exactly the same as interviewing for a traditional job. This means that you might face those challenges (technical testing, setting up physical space and dressing appropriately) that you wouldn’t have to think about when it comes to a regular interview. As such, it’s important to take a couple of steps to make sure that you make the best possible impression on your remote interview.
Read more here How to prepare yourself for a remote job interview
What to wear when working from home ?
What do you wear when working from home? We have a number of key suggestions, but the critical answer is, don’t wear an outfit that you would not wear in a traditional in-person office. This means no athletic wear, dance or clubbing outfits, or pajamas. But you’ve gotta wear something, so don’t go nude.
Digital nomads and seasoned remote workers know that hanging around in one’s jammies can lose its appeal. Even though you might be able to see your bed from your desk (by the way don’t work on your bed), it doesn’t mean that you should be dressed like you’re ready for sleep.
On the other hand, a three-piece suit might be considered ridiculous unless you are prepping and hosting a video conference with the top echelon of the company. Search Remotely advises remote workers to dress to distinguish your work persona from your home persona.
We offer additional quick tips on what to wear when working remotely that you can read about here
What to wear when working from home