Are you embarking upon a career in information technology just so you have a greater chance in getting a remote job? The purpose of this article is to help you determine which remote information technology job you are best suited based upon your personality type. This represents one of the first elements of your job search strategy. Job hunting for the specific remote job that is best aligned with your interests and skill set. Ready? Let’s go!
Remote jobs in information technology are abundant
May we be the first to congratulate you if this is the career path you have opted to take. The future is bright for you. Global Data compiled statistics approximating that worldwide, there were about 540,000 new information technology and IT related jobs added for June 2023.
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Germany IT job Estimates
In Germany, Statista informs us there are about 600,000 job listings for IT positions.
USA IT job Estimates
Computerworld estimates in June 2023, there were more than 5,000 information technology job vacancies in the US.
Australia IT Job Estimates
In Australia, Seek suggests there are about 60,000 job vacancies in the tech field.
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Brazil IT Job Estimates
Glassdoor indicates there are roughly 60,000 IT jobs listed in Brazil.
UK IT Job Estimates
Linkedin adds that there are about 15,000 IT job openings advertised for United Kingdom. Did we leave out your country or region? Not to worry.
Global IT Job Estimates
Merian, the author of the Computerworld article exclaims, “three out of every four IT workers seeking jobs have multiple offers!” Globally, the number of job vacancies in the information technology sector and related fields amount to about 1.5000,000 jobs for June 2023.
It stands to reason, there’s so many job opportunities available to you. But because there are so many options for full time, permanent and freelancing, you need to take the time to discern which job openings to pursue. Obviously, you want to select the alternatives that represents the BEST match and the best ideal fit for both you, the job seeker, and your potential (eventual) employer.
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We have written this article to help you out. The field of information technology is broad and vast. You’ve gotta be selective if you want to be successful to stand out from the crowd. When you do so you will be happier, more content and much more prosperous. Why?
Because you will have taken the time to figure out the best IT job function for which you can provide the optimal match. It should be aligned with your skillset and your personality.
Remote IT job categories that don’t require 4-year degrees
We mention in many articles, not all information technology jobs require a four-year degree. That’s right. In fact, Coursera has provided some guidance to show that these information technology jobs don’t require a Bachelor’s. Incidentally, each of these jobs, with the proper internet broadband, bandwidth and speed, can be done in the comfort of your own. And, perhaps too, a flexible working schedule can be devised to maximize the features of working from your home office.
- Tech and computer support
- Cyber security
- Hardware, network and systems support
- Software and web development
- Data analysis or data science
- Cloud computing
Tools for Choosing the Right Remote IT Job for You
Working from home without a four-year degree does not mean that you won’t earn a good salary. Positions in the job categories listed above start at about $63,000 and can reach up to $120,000 annually or more. In many cases, a degree is not a mandatory requirement for obtaining a job in information technology, data analysis or cyber security. But, you and I know that we can’t go out blindly seeking jobs for which we assume we are qualified; though we lack the bare basics.
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That’s why we are showing our readers where they can find the tools to use for helping them choose the right remote IT job best suited for them! The first one is accessible right here on this site. Both tools have been designed by prominent psychologists and validated by experts.
Alison Education Workplace Personality Inventory
We are an affiliate of Alison and offer this free workplace personality assessment to help job seekers in search for a remote job, remote employment and flexible working arrangements to identify their personal strengths and personality type. It was designed to help job searchers assess their job related skills, personal drive, work and learning styles. With this information, job seekers will have a better handle on which career they will most likely succeed. Click here to begin the personality and job assessment.
RAISEC Interest Inventory
The RAISEC interest inventory is administered by skilled professionals, psychologists, counselors, educators, and job coaches to help their students and clients identify the career fields that are closely matched to their personality. This is most likely the first step that any professional would advise job seekers to take when they start looking for a remote job. Myers Briggs informs us that the RAISEC is based upon the Strong Model. It was created by in 1974 by John Holland. He placed job functions in these six distinct categories: realistic, artistic, investigative, social, enterprising and conventional. When analyzed visually, the themes are placed in a hexagon format.
Holland emphasized that our behavior is largely determined by our own personality and the characteristics of the job for which we must function effectively to succeed. Other elements factored into the RAISEC include: performance while completing job tasks, job satisfaction and stability.
To take the free version of the Strong Interest Inventory sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, click here, O-Net Interest Inventory
In this article, we specifically covered how to figure out which job position and job function you are best suited given your personality type. Once you figure this out, you can then begin the process of upskilling, obtaining training and participating in online academies and webinars. Or, you can find a mentor, seek out an information technology job training, internship or apprenticeship program.
Here’s our quick video to get you started on finding out which information technology job most closely matches your personality type.